A blog by Lori Lyons

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Random ramblings on an about-to-be rainy afternoon

Technically, it's not raining yet. But there's a big cloud coming, which is why I am not in my pool.

And there is some weird stuff going on.

The Coach just came in and started unloading the car.

He came in with:

160 hot dogs

50 little bags of chips.

A dozen bags of Skittles.

A ton of nachos and cheese.

And a half-empty gallon of pickle relish.

The summer baseball season ended last night so, today, he had to clean out the concessions stand at school. He brought it all home.

Thanks, babe. But for the record, this is not the same as going to the grocery store.

I have been asked to share this this little blog.

Girls Got Art

 It was created by my daughter (and her clever mom) and is maintained by her and three of her friends who like to draw and are getting pretty good at it. Please check it out.

Mama Lion

Oh. And not only do I roar and sometimes purr, now I also tweet! Follow me at  http://twitter.com/thelyonsdin

I also tweet as part of my job as a sports writer-turned-crime reporter as lorilyonstp. That one's not nearly as fun though.

Now it's raining ....


  1. here you are!!


  2. I guess we know what you'll be having for lunch and dinner for awhile! ;)
